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Web Browsers

Download the Google Chrome OS Virtual Machine

google-chrome-ball Last week, Techcrunch reported rumors of the release of the Google Chrome OS. They stated that the info came from a reliable source, and indeed that source was reliable. Google had an event at their headquarters, and indeed provided new details and a demo of the Chrome OS. The Chromium Blog has some great videos that provide some additional information about Chrome OS as well.

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New Version of Google Toolbar for Firefox

When Firefox 3 was officially released, the Google Toolbar was not supported.  Of course, that didn’t stop me from manually updating the MaxVerison myself so that it would work.  Although it didn’t take long for Google to release a new version that officially supported Firefox 3, I was disappointed as there were no new features to be found.  It seems all they really did was update the MaxVersion as I had already done.
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Google Chrome Socks Proxy Workaround

If you would like to use Google Chrome at work, but are unable because you have a SOCKS proxy, you’re not alone.  It is a known issue that Chrome does not work with socks.  Initially I couldn’t even install Chrome because of my firewall at work.  I did install it on my laptop when I got home the day it came out.  However, when I came back to work the next day I was disappointed to learn that it didn’t work behind a SOCKS proxy.
Read More »Google Chrome Socks Proxy Workaround