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Google Chrome 2.0

google-chrome-logo-nonbetaI was shocked last month when Google dropped the beta designation from Chrome. Chrome was in beta a mere three months, whereas some products such as Gmail are STILL in beta after more than four years!  Sometimes I just don’t understand why they do weird things like this, but it’s really all just semantics.

Well, to match their breakneck speed out of beta, they’ve now released a 2.0 version in the Google Chrome dev channel. There are a few new features, the most notable being the ability to do full-page zoom.

Prior to the 2.0 release, if you zoom on a page (Ctrl+ and Ctrl-, or using your scroll wheel on your mouse while pressing the control button) only the text zooms and the images remain the same. The 2.0 release now properly zooms text and images together. Here are a few other blog posts around the web describing some of the other new features in Google Chrome 2.0:

4 thoughts on “Google Chrome 2.0”

  1. Looking at the version of chromium nightly builds, I think google is slow and steady in updating chrome. They are very cautious about stability and optimal end user experience. May be that is the reason behind, why Google dropped the beta designation from Chrome.

  2. I was a Firefox user and Just moved to “Google Chrome”. I've found it a real magic of the world. Although i miss lot of plugins of Firefox. But i am still happy with the “Big.G. Chrome”

  3. <h2>Why UGG Boot is So Popular?</h2>


    Ugg boots, also spelled ugh boots and ug boots, are a style of sheepskin boot, with wool as the inner lining and a tanned outer surface worn by both men and women. Ugg boots often have a synthetic sole, although this is not universal. Uggs are popular with the teenage set, worn by girls with mini skirts, leggings, and with jeans tucked into the boots. UGGS Boots are also popular with boys, wearing jeans or tracksuit bottoms inside them most commonly.

    UGG UK Sale, In Australia and New Zealand, sheepskin boots have long been popular with people in rural occupations, such as sheep shearers, who have ready access to the raw materials,. Their popularity increased as a result of World War I and World War II, when they were popular with aviators, because of their need to keep warm in non-pressurized planes at high altitudes. An exhibit of a WWI aviator's outfit in the Canadian War Museum cites the term "fug" boots. UGG Cardy, Ugg Boots have also been popular with surfers and competitive swimmers since at least the 1960s, for keeping warm while out of the water. The terms ugg boots, ugh boots and ug boots have been used as generic terms for sheepskin boots in Australia since 1950s and 1960s, when they first appeared in advertising and other publications.

    The natural properties of sheepskin results in thermostatic benefits. Thick fleecy fibres on the inner part of the boots allows air to circulate and keep the feet at body temperature. Synthetic and faux fur boots do not have these properties and sheepskin boots are highly prized for their effectiveness. Ugg boots are designed to be worn without socks in order to maximize the benefits of sheepskin.

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