Why Use Hugo?
How I landed on using Hugo for geeklad.com

New Platform Requirements
For years I’ve used WordPress, but I wanted something new and shiny to play with. I had a few requirements for the platform, and it took a bit of work to find one that met my needs:
- I wanted a Static Site Generator (SSG)
- It needed to be easily containerized via a Docker image
- The Docker image needed to support ARM architecture
Finding the Right SSG
Jamstack has a great list of many different SSGs, so I started looking at many of them. Disappointingly, a lot of the main Docker images out there for SSGs only support x86 architecture. I had to try a lot of third-party images, as well as adding themes to them and testing them out.
Eventually, I found that Hugomods has created Docker containers for Hugo , including images that support ARM processors. I was able to use their image on my ARM host to get a container up and running relatively quickly. Decision made!
Finding the Right Theme
There are many nice Hugo themes available for free. I wanted something with a relatively modern look that wasn’t overly ornate or complex. I settled on the KeepIt theme by Fastbyte01 . It’s a nice, clean theme with lots of customization options.