Yahoo! Finance Excerpt FAIL
I found this excerpt from Yahoo! Finance particularly amusing. Apparently, Obama wants local lenders to help businesses seize.
I found this excerpt from Yahoo! Finance particularly amusing. Apparently, Obama wants local lenders to help businesses seize.
Google has been very busy lately with many new products recently. Many of them, such as Google Public DNS, Google Chrome OS, and real-time search have received the lion’s share of publicity. I’d like to talk about a little jewel sitting in Google Labs you may not heard of. It’s a shiny little jewel that could become a real game changer and not many people are talking about it yet: Google Fusion Tables.
If you’re a geek like me, you may on occasion have run into a situation where you had a file that you needed to convert to exe. I had read a few forum posts and tutorials on how to do this with self-extracting installers, and I even managed to do it with a 7-zip tool called 7zSD. It then dawned on me that I could use 7zSD and some VBScript to create a tool to automate it. Thus, my Convert to EXE tool was born.